Level Test

Otestuj si svou úroveň angličtiny. Na základě tvých výsledků Ti doporučíme, čemu se v klubu nejvíce věnovat a na co se zaměřit. Let´s get down to work!

1 / 60

My meeting at the dentist is tomorrow at 10 am. Tomorrow ______ the dentist.

2 / 60

A: Hi, how are you doing? Haven't seen you for a long time.
B: Hi, thanks. I am actually doing great. I have a new job.
A: Oh yeah? Exciting. What do you do?
B: I work in the hospital as a surgeon's assistant. The only negative is that the hospital is on the other side of the city.
A: Wow, it sounds great. Congratulations. Are you .............................?
B: I am going to. Just looking for a new house to rent.

3 / 60

Where _____ Peter work?

4 / 60

Who ________ for?

5 / 60

Vyber věty, které jsou správně:

6 / 60

___________ TV last night?

7 / 60

Vyber správné trojice nepravidelných sloves:

8 / 60

Čekal jsem u doktora, když mi zavolal šéf.

9 / 60

Přišel domů, dal si večeři a zapnul TV.

10 / 60

Don´t do it otherwise _____ kill you!

11 / 60

Vyber všechny věty se správným slovosledem:

12 / 60

I have _______ time so I can help you if you want.

13 / 60

"The party was awesome." Jack claimed that ______ awesome.

14 / 60

________ of that is true.

15 / 60

Vyber všechny věty, které jsou správně:

16 / 60

There are four people _____ the car.

17 / 60

My dog has a bowl. It is ____ bowl.

18 / 60

If you feel bad, you _____ go to bed and relax.

19 / 60

Nesmíš se dotýkat těch obrazů.

20 / 60

My dad won't get angry, if you tell him the truth.

21 / 60

How long ________ your car?

22 / 60

I ______ my key. I cannot find it anywhere.

23 / 60

The children have been sleeping _____ midnight.

24 / 60

I _______ such behaviour.

25 / 60

At first I didn´t like working at night but I _______ it.

26 / 60

He gave me his account number ______ I could send him the money.

27 / 60

Would you mind _____ the window? I am cold.

28 / 60

Kdo tě naučil řídit?

29 / 60

My brother drives _____ quickly. I am afraid to go with him.

30 / 60

Choose the correct sentence:

31 / 60

Vyber správný překlad věty:
Kdo ti volal?

32 / 60

Agree with the statement: I am going to go abroad.

33 / 60

Měl jsi tam být, bylo to skvělé.

34 / 60

I wish you _____ here.

35 / 60

I didn´t know that Lisa was ill. I wish I ________ about it.

36 / 60

We regret _____ you that your membership has been cancelled.

37 / 60

The battery is flat. It needs _____ .

38 / 60

Jack wasn´t hugry because he ________ big lunch.

39 / 60

The cutlery are: fork, knife and ______ .

40 / 60

As soon as you _____ this door, there will be no way back.

41 / 60

Sue´s parents ______ happier if she ______ them more often.

42 / 60

We wouldn´t ________ all our money if we hadn´t gone to that casino.

43 / 60

She said that she _____ not come tomorrow. She is busy.

44 / 60


Říká se o něm, že je bohatý.

45 / 60


Někdo Tě sleduje.

46 / 60

I don´t fancy ______ out tonight.

47 / 60

You look so fit! How often do you ____ ?

48 / 60

I like this T-shirt. Can I _____?

49 / 60

Translate this sentence: Nech mě na pokoji, nech mě samotnou.

50 / 60

I was on the point of _____ Sue about my secret! Luckily I finally didn´t.

51 / 60

It´s the second time she _________ going to the university.

52 / 60

A: How come you´ve ________ that pizza so quickly?
B: I was starving!

53 / 60

They ________ drive so quickly. The car is very old and rusty.

54 / 60

The opposite of "on purpose" is ......

55 / 60

Some people _____ others for their own mistakes.

56 / 60

Opak slůvka REJECT je:

57 / 60

Která věta je správně?

58 / 60

I need a camera with _____ stand that I can move with.

59 / 60

Přelož: Chci ti to vysvětlit.

60 / 60

Přeložte větu: Moje máma vybuchla smíchy tak, že musela odejít z místnosti.

Your score is

Průměrné skóre je 57%