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Business Basics V.

Kvíz k 5.lekci kurzu Business Basics.

1 / 7

1) The number of mortgages increased ___ 15% in the last year.

2 / 7

2) Jak se řekne 1/4?

3 / 7

3) Jak čteme správně 1,986?

4 / 7

4) Choose the sentence that means the same:

Our market share dropped significantly.

5 / 7

5) Which is NOT the synonym to "DECREASE"?

6 / 7

6) Přelož: Díky našim propagačním aktivitám se prodeje opět zvedly.

7 / 7

7) Our sales rocketed and reached the _____ of 10 mio CZK in the last month.

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Průměrné skóre je 87%
